+44 (0) 371 384 2030
Please use the country code when calling from outside the UK. Lines are open from 8.30am to 17.30pm (UK time), Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays in England and Wales).
For deaf and speech impaired customers we welcome calls via Relay UK. Please see www.relayuk.bt.com for more information.
Download and complete a Change of Address form. You will need to submit a separate form for each company you hold shares in.
If you are unable to download the form, or moving to an overseas address
Please write to us and provide the following:
Name(s) of all shareholder(s) / executors
Name of company(s) shares are held in
Shareholder reference number(s)
Signature of the shareholder(s) or executor(s)
Please post either the form or letter to:
Aspect House
Spencer Road
BN99 6DA